Rounded Korean Coffee Table

  • $149.99 $198.00
  • Brand: Darazzer
  • Availability: In Stock

2. Dimension: please select when you place an order1)60x60cm2)70x70cm3)80x80cm4)90x90cm5) 100x100cm3.Material: Table Top:  MDF with Natural wood veneerTable legs: Solid wood Advantange: 1- Table legs is foldable made it easily for storage,Space Saver2- no need assembled3- Antique style4- red brown Color5- Hand finished and hand-carved by Chinese artisans  Features:  1. A traditional Korean style table2. This style of table was used......


2. Dimension: please select when you place an order





5) 100x100cm


Table Top:  MDF with Natural wood veneer

Table legs: Solid wood



1- Table legs is foldable made it easily for storage,Space Saver

2- no need assembled

3- Antique style

4- red brown Color

5- Hand finished and hand-carved by Chinese artisans



1. A traditional Korean style table

2. This style of table was used in ancient Korea for drinking tea and nowadays also as a living room side table or a decorative furniture.

3. Express your distinct style and taste with this elegant korean low table

4. Features a unique look that adds a rustic Asian Flair to any room


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